12 May Roasted purple carrot and sage soup, and earth-mothering
I am doing my own brand of earth-mothering right now. Although I can’t quite bring myself to use cloth nappies, I am washing my bubba in camomile water and using the most eco friendly, natural products possible. While I’m probably not going to do prolonged breastfeeding, I am still doing it at 5 months and will try to keep going for the rest of the year (though that’s not to say formula won’t get introduced at some point too). The idea is to be as much of an earth-mother as possible without making life too inconvenient. I think that’s a fair compromise. I do dream of living somewhere more green and growing my own organic fruit and vegetables, but for now this is just a dream while we survive our first year in busy Hackney. Luckily, we do have some (over-priced) organic shops here now, which is where I found my purple carrots for this earthy soup purple carrot and sage soup..

Ingredients (serves 2)
Reserve a few crispy sage leaves for decoration and blend everything else with some good quality stock (I used chicken stock).