30 Jan 10 useful things every new mother should know
Posted at 18:14h in Blog
This is a little list of the more useful stuff I learnt in my first month of motherhood, inspired by the useful list someone sent me before I gave birth. Remember, when you go home with your (first) baby in your arms, you are basically clueless. Many people will bombard you with opinions but not many people will give you advice that’s actually useful. I’m writing this list while it’s all fresh in my mind – my baby is 6 weeks today – in the hope that this will mean it’s relevant to new mothers (unlike some of the advice you get from people who gave birth years ago).

1. Those little nightmare vests that you can’t get over the head without a struggle can actually be pulled down.
2. Most nappies have a yellow stripe that turns blue to tell you if they need changing.
3. You don’t have to become obsessed with making your baby sleep. Babies sleep for 14-18 hours a day. We do have a particularly good sleeper though so perhaps that’s something to do with babies that wake up more often. It helps to feed them lots during the day and particularly before bed (an hour if on-off feeding just before bed does it for us) At 6 weeks Delfi sleeps in 4-5 hour shifts during the night and naps during the day for shorter periods of 1-2 hours. This is completely manageable.
4. Babies don’t cry all the time. I really thought they did and imagined I was going to be pushed to the brink of sanity. This hasn’t happened (as yet). If I had to take a guess at what makes our baby so calm and peaceful it would be yoga and meditation – a little bit every day during pregnancy. Baby loves to listen to shiva chants and watch me stretch and meditate.
5. It helps having the baby at arms’ length. Delfi doesn’t need to cry to wake me up, we just wake up in the night together. The first month she was in a pod in the bed, which is not recommended apparently (the one thing the health visitor was not too pleased about) yet we all loved. Many people told me that it was not a good idea, that transitioning to a bed would be hard and it was, but only for me. Delfi didn’t mind at all.
6. People who do not have babies do not want to hear poop stories, as hilarious as they might be. I remember saying to my partner just before I gave birth how being surrounded by shitty nappies was going to be horrible. In actual fact, it hasn’t bothered me one bit. There is some kind of poo paradigm shift when you become a new parent, but do remember that your non parent friends still believe that poo equals disgusting.
7. Drugs during labour do not mean that your baby will have problems breastfeeding. Some drugs can make some babies drowsy perhaps, but I had 2 shots of diamorphine and an epidural for my emergency ceaserean and she came out smacking her lips at me and nursing within half an hour of coming out. I was led to believe that taking drugs affects nursing ability. Even the health visitor said “oh she’s so responsive you can tell it was a natural labour. You didn’t take any drugs did you?”. Er, yes I did, there was no question of not taking them for me.
8. Overdue baby does not always mean big baby. We were told at 34 weeks she was 5.6 lb and would put on 0.5 lb a week. I was expecting a 8.5 lb baby and I got a 6.7 lb baby that was exactly 2 weeks late. I enjoyed my 2 weeks of waiting time, even though everyone else seemed worried and annoyed at the delay. Different countries have different due dates, don’t let yourself be pressurised by anyone.
9. Anxiety does drastically increase, as do constant irrational worries. No matter how cool you think you are, the first month you are responsible for keeping a tiny, helpless human alive, you will worry. All the time. If the worry is unmanageable and making you depressed then you need to see your doctor, and don’t let them fob you off. Your feelings do matter.
10. Babies have a lot of folds. You may miss one when washing/drying baby and the skin is so delicate it may shock you when you find that bit. It was under one arm for me. Don’t worry, their skin heals very quickly too. Camomile baths help, as does coconut oil and sudocream.