Dokebi Korean restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

I’ve fallen in love with Williamsburg. It’s incredibly hip but also open and friendly: the perfect combination. If you plan on hanging out here then I would recommend this Korean restaurant on Grand Street for a cheap, healthy and delicious meal… Dokebi

You may know what my reviews are like by now: short and sweet. So here’s the lowdown: we ate Korean tacos, lots of pickles, salad and miso soup on the side and the BiBimBahp you see up there. The rib taco was the best out of the tacos, the fish one I wouldn’t bother ordering again. Cat mixed the BiBimBahp up with the chilli sauce like you’re supposed to and I washed it down with Korean rice wine – my new favourite drink (now, where do I get this in the UK…?) It all came to $17 each including the tip, so about £12. I think dinner may be a bit more expensive, as weekday lunches in NYC tend to be really cheap